Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cystic Acne


There is a reason that acne is referred to as a common condition, and this is because a large percentage of the population is affected by it at some point in their lives. Acne most commonly occurs on the shoulders, face, back, neck, and chest because these areas contain more sebaceous glands than any other part of the body. While acne most often appears as what is known as whiteheads or blackheads, it can often appear as cystic acne as well. Cystic acne manifests itself as thick bumps or cysts that occur under the skin and are created through a continuous buildup of oil that occurs deep in the sebaceous glands.

Cystic acne that occurs deep beneath the skin is considered to be an infection, and cystic acne has a tendency to heal much slower than other forms of acne if the waste in the cysts is not released. The cyst in the cystic acne is a sac that contains a liquid material that is composed of white blood cells, bacteria, and dead skin. The cysts are much larger than standard acne lesions and are usually very inflamed and can often be very painful. Cystic acne extends deep into the skin and is very difficult to treat through standard and over-the-counter treatments.

Because cystic acne is an infection of the pore, antibiotics are often prescribed for the treatment course. These antibiotics will reduce bacteria and combat the inflammation that occurs with cystic acne. In severe cases, antibiotic treatment may need to last for several months, and these can often be used in conjunction with topical treatments to eradicate cystic acne.

The prescription of Isotretinoin, more commonly known as Accutane, is a very effective treatment plan for patients who have severe cystic acne. This medication is taken orally one or two times a day for a period of 3 to 4 months. Accutane has proven to significantly decrease the size of sebaceous glands to ensure less oil production. When this occurs, the growth rate of bacteria slows significantly and cystic acne is eliminated. Accutane is generally used as a treatment of last resort for people with cystic acne due to its unpleasant side effects. This medication has been associated in the formation of birth defects and, thus, women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid this form of treatment.

Another form of treatment of cystic acne is through procedures that are done in the dermatologist ”s office. Your dermatologist can drain your cystic acne or use chemicals to destroy it. Freezing methods, light therapy, and laser resurfacing could be used not only to treat cystic acne but to eliminate any scarring that it may cause. Facial or skin peels are often used for scar removal, and procedures using rotating wire brushes are also used for this same purpose.

Cystic acne is a very painful condition both physically and emotionally. Cystic acne has a greater tendency to leave scarring and is much more difficult to treat than standard acne conditions. As a result, this condition is embarrassing and causes much emotional distress. If you have cystic acne on a regular basis, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about any of these treatment methods.

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